Something to Dwell Upon

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Gifts from Above

I get a little melancholy right around my birthday but it has nothing to do with the birthday blues.  Several years ago, a good friend passed away after a long battle with breast cancer.  I attended her funeral during the week of my 34th birthday.  If you’ve ever had a friend or family member die of cancer, you know what a terrible thing it is for someone to endure, especially someone you love. 
My friend was vivacious and inspiring.  She was full of great ideas for new businesses and television shows.  She was stunningly beautiful both inside and out.  She was always ready to listen to my problems even though they paled in comparison to hers.  She was incredibly positive and never gave up hope that she would live to see her young daughter grow up.  
She was the kind of friend who knew the perfect thing to say and the perfect gift to give.  She brought Godiva chocolate Santas at Christmas, giant stuffed bunnies at Easter, a hand painted music box when my son was born, and a glass bowl that was my favorite shade of blue for my housewarming party.  I still have many of these gifts.
The funny thing is I find that she continues to give me gifts years after her short life ended.  Because, when I think about her around my birthday, I remind myself to give my kids a hug and tell them that I love them.  To sing the songs I sang to them when they were babies.  To take an extra picture with them.  To write an entry in the journals I keep for them.  To tell them a story from when they were younger.   I remind myself to take joy from the little things I usually take for granted.   To take time to smile, to laugh, and to do things just for fun. 
I didn’t get to say good-bye to my friend.  She died less than an hour before I arrived at her apartment to see her one last time.  I only hope she knows how thankful I am for all of her gifts.


  1. This made me cry. And I was thinking about such things this morning. There is no guarantee that our lives will last as long as we expect them to. I often daydream about what Stella and Ruby will be like when they are older. What will they be interested in? Will either of them like to high jump like me? What colleges will they attend, will they join sororities? Will they both get married and have children? I assume that I will one day have all the answers and know all the outcomes. This is not the case for many and should remind us to be thankful about having each new day. Thanks for posting the story. So sorry you didn't get to say good-bye.

  2. Thank you Kelly! You are an amazing mom and I know you'll be there for your beautiful daughters' big events in live. XO
